Thursday, October 7, 2010


For my first practice interviews i worked with Nan and Rashim.  I learned alot from both of them.  we talked lots about there familes and how they stayed together and took care eachother. we talked lots about what kind of things they did back home for fun. we talked about how there education went in there country. we talked about why they came to america and why they came to st cloud MN.  we also talked about what there major was here and what there plans were after graduation.  i think that the communction between us was a little rocky in the beging but when we got to know eachother better things went real smoothly. we had good Flow of questions and answers. some times we had trouble with not knowing certain words but we got past that just fine. These inteviews really intrested me and helped me learn alot anbouit the person their culture and their country. i enjoyed it alot and am looking forward to doing some more and learning some more. i think that this kind of thing should happen alot more becasue we all think we are so diffrent but really we have alot of things in common. These practice interviews really helped prepare me for my real interviews. i learned how to break the ice and how to keep the conversation flowing. i also learned certain subjects to stay away from and learned some subjects to focus on. I also learned how to be real slow and make sure we both understand eachother very well. In my practice interview I kinda just talked back and fourth not so much asking questions but this made things a lot more comfortable and not so formal. So I now have had some interviewing experience and I am now ready to go do my real interviews.

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